Nu:Tone – Tides (feat. Lea Lea) Lyrics

Oh, give it back to me

Give it back to me
Please return my mind
I sleep restlessly
This isn’t what love defined (X2)

Bridges and lights
Ripples in tides
A constant reminder of the divide
Give me back my mind

And days turn to nights
It’s unknown, what’s in sight
While you delight in a state of grace
Give it back to me

Give it back to me
Give it – back – to – me
Give it back to me

Towers built to the sky
Looming over my tortured soul
Killing time on the go
Trying to drown out my sorrow

And previously
I thought the city, the streets dizzying
And the silence it screams
Dominate, so deafening

Bridges and lights
Ripples in tides
A constant reminder of the divide
Give me back my mind

And chase her tonight
It’s unknown, what’s in sight
While you delight in a state of grace
Give it back to me

Give it back to me
Give it – back – to – me
Give it back to me

Give it back to me
Please return my mind
I sleep restlessly
This isn’t what love defined (X2)

Towers built to the sky
Looming over my tortured soul
Killing time on the go
Trying to drown out my sorrow

And previously
I thought the city, the streets dizzying
And the silence it screams
Dominate, so deafening

Give it back to me
Please return my mind
I sleep restlessly
This isn’t what love defined (X2)

Give it back to me
Give it – back – to – me
Give it back to me

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DnbLyrics created by one guy from Russia. Feel free to contact me with any collaborations and promotions via VK and Facebook. If you want to support DnbLyrics - you can do it with Paypal or Patreon. Thanks for last donations: Tom Oliver, Franz Arnone, Daria Popova, Jan Czarnecki, Irvin Vasquez

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