Seba, Paradox, Robert Manos - Because Lyrics

Ye-ah ye-ah
Wa-oh oh oh
Ye-ah ye-ah
Wa-oh oh oh
Ye-ah ye-ah (because you would be there)
Wa-oh oh oh
Would you be there?
Wa-oh oh oh

Whatever you bring
Whatever I brought to this table
Don’t clean me out (Watch this)
Steal everything
And run you out (yeah)

Even know I bought you a diamond ring
And all the glitters with everything (Ye-ah ye-ah)
Just saved some money and travelled by train
And I came back to another day (Wa-oh oh oh)

(Because you would be there)

I know you come back this way
Running round think I’m insane (Ye-ah ye-ah)
Cus what you believe in (Would you be there?)
Is no longer what I believe in

Ye-ah ye-ah
Wa-oh oh oh

(because you would be there)

Whatever you bring
Whatever I brougt to this table
Don’t clean me out (Watch this)
Steal everything
And run you out

Even know I bought you a diamond ring
And all the glitters with everything (Ye-ah ye-ah)
Just saved some money and travelled by train
And I came back to another day (Wa-oh oh oh)

(Because you would be there)

I know you come back this way
Running round think I’m insane (Ye-ah ye-ah)
Cus what you believe in (Would you be there?)
Is no longer what I believe in

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DnbLyrics created by one guy from Russia. Feel free to contact me with any collaborations and promotions via VK and Facebook. If you want to support DnbLyrics - you can do it with Paypal or Patreon. Thanks for last donations: Tom Oliver, Franz Arnone, Daria Popova, Jan Czarnecki, Irvin Vasquez

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