‘S.P.Y’ Lyrics

BCee and S.P.Y – Is Anybody Out There

It’s like Ahh It’s like Sometimes I feel like he don’t hear me Sometimes I wonder Sometimes I feel like he don’t hear me It’s like Sometimes I wonder I get to… I get undersea in light It’s like I get to… I get undersea in light It’s like Sometimes I feel like he don’t […]

Alix Perez – Annie’s Song (Ft. Sam Wills) (S.P.Y Remix)

Is it real this time (x8), I need this more than you, Every time I think it’s true, Something goes against my plans, It’s my turn to break through And every time it’s right, it leaves when I close my eyes, should it be good this time? I can’t feel it. So get up, enough […]

S.P.Y – Manicured Reality

Touchdown, plug into the matrix Eyes to the screen on a permanent basis Share your deepest feelings with pages of strangers Intravenous data, names and faces Artery, digital, blanket security Phantom hand, warning, low battery Project image, construct fantasy Distress, distort, manicured reality Project image, construct fantasy Distress, distort, manicured reality

S.P.Y – Step & Flow

Try to keep up with me ‘Cause I can give you some All the loving you need I give you such a rush Baby step up your game Keep up with my pace Girl I know that you want it Don’t hesitate I want you behind my bedroom doors Ready or not, we’re about to […]

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DnbLyrics created by one guy from Russia. Feel free to contact me with any collaborations and promotions via VK and Facebook. If you want to support DnbLyrics - you can do it with Paypal or Patreon. Thanks for last donations: Tom Oliver, Franz Arnone, Daria Popova, Jan Czarnecki, Irvin Vasquez

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