‘Mistabishi’ Lyrics

Mistabishi – Lean

Fire Smoke Higher Choke Grass Breath Catch Lean Fire Smoke Grass Breath Higher Choke Catch Lean Fire Smoke Higher Choke Grass Breath Catch Lean [2x]

Mistabishi – Greed

The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that “Greed”, for want of a better word, is good Greed works Greed clarifies Distills and captures The essence of the evolutionary spirit Greed [2x] Aaha [2x] The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that “Greed”, for want of a better word, is good Greed works Greed clarifies Distills and […]

Mistabishi – From Memory

I remember, when we were children, We used to speak so clear and clean. Let’s go back to ten years old, When your life was not for sale. Let’s get out of this wasted decade Cause my skin is going pale… I remember, when we were children, We used to speak so clear and clean. […]

Mistabishi – Damage

What’s the safe word, Michael? We used to love each other Like a sister and brother And it used to be so sweet Then lovely But then I discovered your secret Little cupboard And the things inside just shocked me But I learned to like it And it feels so right With my feet tied […]

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