‘Camo & Krooked’ Lyrics

Camo & Krooked – Looking Back

‘cos looking back it was easy It was easy ‘cos I know that I can sacrifice Looking back it was easy, easy, easy It was easy Looking back it was easy Easy, easy…[x] ‘cos looking back it was easy Easy

Camo & Krooked ft. TC – Get Dirty

I lost my way But you found me It’s building stronger Like a roller coaster Make you hear me out Make you say my name Can’t tame no longer Like a starving hunger Let’s get dirty (dirty) [4x] Somehow Got to make you move And freak out And it works for me So loud In […]

Camo & Krooked – Vampires

The huge black hulk of a carriage brushed the vines And then the light grew weak The street went from yellow to silver And vanished altogether As if the dark trees had swallowed it up Or rather, as if it had all been subtracted from the dark Or rather, as if it had all been […]

Camo & Krooked – The Fear

When you are afraid It is difficult to breathe It is difficult to move It is difficult to speak But it’s easy to panic [..] dark Prepare for a journey into the unknown [..] dark When you are afraid It is difficult to breathe It is difficult to move It is difficult to speak But […]

Camo & Krooked – Nano

In relationships The little things Are the big ones We had another Let go another Break free of the deck and live without We bare another Won’t share another Stop up and rather keep moving on [x2] You found the soul in me (soul in me..) That’s why I wrote a poem (wrote a poem..) […]

Camo & Krooked – Lost Heaven VIP

Some people lose their faith Because Heaven shows them too little But how many people lose their faith Because Heaven shows them too much? But how many people lose their faith Because Heaven shows them too much? [x2]

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