Layo & Bushwacka - Love Story Lyrics

Time marches on never ending, time keeps its own time.
Here we stand at begining, and then goes passing us by.
And I, I, I can dream for us all.
I hope I’m in a better state, when here and now crambles and falls.
And you, you, you make the worlds colide.
I knew you’d come knocking one day, unannouced like a thief in the night.

Where do we go from here? Time ain’t nothing but time.
I now have no fear of my feelings, and no more tears to cry.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow means nothing at all.
We don’t hear the line, when today places its call.
And morning, morning, morning will never be same.
Now I won’t make the same mistakes, time and time again.

Time and time again, time and time again,
Time and time again, time and time again.

Rags and old iron, rags and old iron.
All he was buying was just rags and old iron.

So tell me how do you do, finally I meet you.
You don’t know what I’ve been through, waiting and wondering about you.
I had a dream my trip would end up at you, now I know paradise.
So tell me how do you do, finally I meet you.

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