Chase & Status feat. Delilah - Time Lyrics

If you can find the time
To give your love to me
I will wait for you
If that’s all you need
(Time, Time)
If you can find the time
(Time, Time)
If ever you’re free
Just drop me a line
And tell me where you’ll be
I’ll be right here
If you can find the time
Just be sincere.
If you can find the time
I’ll wait for you.
But if you can’t find the time
(Time, Time, Time)
Then cut me loose.

‘Cause I don’t have the time
And I don’t have the patience
What do you take me for
Why must I wait
‘Cause while you decide
I’m fucking suffocating
‘Cause if you can’t find the time
My bleeding heart won’t make it [x2]

If you can find the time
To give your love to me
Just drop me a line
And tell me where you’ll be
I’ll be right here
If you can find the time
Just be sincere

‘Cause I don’t have the time
And I don’t have the patience
What do you take me for
Why must I wait
‘Cause while you decide
I’m fucking suffocating
‘Cause if you can’t find the time,
My bleeding heart won’t make it [x3]

I’ll be right here
If you can find the time
Just be sincere
If you can find the time
I’ll, I’ll wait for you
But if you can’t find the time
Then cut me loose.

‘Cause I don’t have the time
And I don’t have the patience
What do you take me for
Why must I wait
‘Cause while you decide
I’m fucking suffocating
‘Cause if you can’t find the time
My bleeding heart won’t make it [x3]

‘Cause I don’t have the time [x6]
My bleeding heart won’t make it

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DnbLyrics created by one guy from Russia. Feel free to contact me with any collaborations and promotions via VK and Facebook. If you want to support DnbLyrics - you can do it with Paypal or Patreon. Thanks for last donations: Tom Oliver, Franz Arnone, Daria Popova, Jan Czarnecki, Irvin Vasquez

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