‘Seba’ Lyrics

Seba & Paradox – Last Goodbye

No I don’t want to believe That it’s all lost Well it’s been Long long road To where you used to live Hold my breath in the falling rain All my life have to start once again All the memories I pushed them away And every time that you ask I would say All this […]

Seba – Planetary Funk Alert

Verse 1 I know you love the vibe that we’re giving We’re forever pushing the vibe within Baby would you cry for the rhythm Let fly with the rhythm We’re pushing the vibe within you Because the music’s touching me baby I’m touching you We keep pushing the vibe within I know you love the […]

Seba – Nightwalker

The legends tell us that when day becomes night The forest spirit turns into the Nightwalker At sunrise, it changes back Look! Are you there? It’s happening

Seba feat Krister Linder – Blaze And Fade Out

Our lives are fast forward, Slow motion rewinds, Our hearts are wide open, We’re slidin’ through time In favorite glimpses, Low frequency highs, We’re next to the speakers, Under open skies You’re radiant and your cool, And warm like a sunflower, The sun reflects on your skin, And glistens in your hair, Your destiny becomes […]

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DnbLyrics created by one guy from Russia. Feel free to contact me with any collaborations and promotions via VK and Facebook. If you want to support DnbLyrics - you can do it with Paypal or Patreon. Thanks for last donations: Tom Oliver, Franz Arnone, Daria Popova, Jan Czarnecki, Irvin Vasquez

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